EBRGIS Lookup Tools

City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge

Road Closure Details

The City-Parish road closure listing is maintained by the Traffic Engineering Division of the Department of Transportation and Drainage. For questions or inquires about road closures, please send an email to roadclosure@brla.gov.

Click Here to display all of the current road closures in a map view.

Date:04/18/22 - 04/22/22
Description:Perform annual sewer repair-Digging sewer repair and pavement restoration
Location:North Blvd to Hatcher Ave
Street Name:Edison St
Closure Extent:Full
Route:Edison St
City:Baton Rouge
Sidewalk Closure:
Alt Route:S Leo St
Start Date:4/18/2022 7:00:00 AM
End Date:4/22/2022 7:00:00 PM
Contact:Allen & Leblanc
Last Edited Date:6/28/2022 2:59:47 PM