EBRGIS Lookup Tools

City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge

Property Lookup

This lookup tool has been developed to provide quick access to the property information stored in the EBRGIS Enterprise GIS data repository. Searches can be executed for all properties within East Baton Rouge Parish including those in the cities of Baker, Baton Rouge, Central, and Zachary, as well as the unincorporated area of the parish.

Users can search by Street Address, Subdivision Name, Business Name, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code, or Lot Identification Number to find detailed information about property. Enter the required information in one of the search fields as shown in the example below each field. Next, click the button adjacent to the search criteria, and the search results will be displayed beneath the lookup tools in tabular format. Clicking on one of the search result records will open a new window with details about the property. The property details may then be printed and/or exported to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

Search By: Address
Address NumberStreet Name
Example: 222 Saint Louis
Either an address number or street name are required,
but street name prefixes or suffixes are not required.

Search By: Subdivision
Search By: Business Name
Example: Walgreens

Search By: NAICS Code
  Search By: Lot Identification Number
Example: 820341070
Additional Information

Property related data can also be accessed through the Planning and Land Development web application. Also, the entire Property Info dataset can be viewed in spreadsheet format by clicking the hyperlink. If you cannot find a particular property record, need assistance, or want to report errors, then please contact the Department of Information Services at (225) 389-3070 or send an email to gis@brla.gov.

Users should contact the Office of the Planning Commission at (225) 389-3144 or send an email to planning@brla.gov to obtain specific information about land use and zoning regulations. Also, users can visit the EBRP Office of the Assessor GeoPortal to find tax parcel ownership and assessment information.