Green Light Plan Completes Construction on South Harrell's Ferry Road - Segment 1 Project

Road Widening Project Provides Immediate Relief to Southeast Baton Rouge Area

Baton Rouge, LA — Mayor-President Melvin L. “Kip” Holden will host a ribbon cutting ceremony to commemorate the completion of the Green Light Plan’s South Harrell’s Ferry Road – Segment 1 project Thursday, August 9 at 11 a.m., in front of Printing Tech, located at 11930 South Harrell’s Ferry Road (driving directions attached). This ribbon cutting ceremony marks the 28th completed roadway construction project for the Green Light Plan.

“The southeast area of East Baton Rouge Parish is one that has seen a tremendous amount of work through the Green Light Plan, and we sincerely thank all residents and those who travel this area frequently for their patience during construction,” Mayor-President Melvin “Kip” Holden said. “A newly widened, improved roadway like this segment of South Harrell’s Ferry Road serves as a shining example of the progress we as a community can experience when we work together and keep the vision of a program like the Green Light Plan in mind – to provide short-term solutions to relieving traffic congestion across Baton Rouge.”

James Construction Group of Baton Rouge completed the $13.2 million, 1.8-mile road construction project, which included widening the former two-lane, open ditch roadway into a new four-lane configuration that includes sidewalks and a raised median from South Sherwood Forest Boulevard to Millerville Road. Project improvements also included replacing the existing two bridges crossing Jones Creek with two new bridges, one for each direction of roadway traffic. When combined with other projects in the Green Light Plan, including those currently under construction in the surrounding area, the completed South Harrell’s Ferry Road – Segment 1 project will serve as a critical component of an improved east-west connection for the area.

Ribbon Cutting Participants

From East Baton Rouge Parish:
Mayor-President Melvin L. “Kip” Holden, East Baton Rouge City-Parish
William Daniel, Chief Administrative Officer, East Baton Rouge City-Parish

From the Department of Public Works:
Bryan Harmon, P.E., Deputy Director
Jim Ferguson, P.E., M.B.A., Chief Construction Engineer
Ingolf Partenheimer, P.E., Chief Traffic Engineer

From the Green Light Plan; CSRS, Inc.:
Michael Songy, P.E., P.L.S., Program Director
Brad Ponder, P.E., Program Manager

From the Engineering Consultant; ABMB Engineers, Inc.:
Mike Bruce, P.E.
Gary Heitman, P.E.
Cindy Hall, P.E.

From the Contractor; James Construction Group, LLC:
Scott Ashmore
