Office of the Mayor-President

For release: IMMEDIATELY

Release Date: 03/09/2016

Red Stick 311 Smartphone and Web App

Press Release
Mayor Holden Announces Launch of Red Stick 311 Smartphone and Web App
New tools provide direct connection between citizens and City-Parish government to request services and report issues in real-time and while “on the go”

This morning, Mayor-President Melvin “Kip” Holden announced the launch of Red Stick 311, a new web platform and smartphone app for both Apple and Android devices designed to provide easy-to-use tools for citizens to request government services and report service-related issues in real-time.

Both the Red Stick 311 web platform and smartphone apps allow users to easily log requests for service, create online accounts to track the status of service requests, upload images that provide visual references as to the nature of the service request, and do so all from a computer or smartphone. In addition, the Red Stick 311 mobile app utilizes geolocation services to easily pinpoint the location from which a user is requesting service, allowing the City-Parish to then dispatch crews directly to that location and overlay the request with other work that may be ongoing in that area and potentially causing the request for service, such as road or sewer construction.

“We live in a world that runs on technology, and because of this, there is an expectation for all devices, platforms, and applications to keep pace,” said Mayor Holden. “Here in Baton Rouge, we recognize that expectation and want to continue changing how government has traditionally interacted with citizens by now offering our 3-1-1 services as a web platform and smartphone application. Red Stick 311 takes our commitment to digital innovation and citizen service one step further by placing the power of requesting assistance or reporting issues in the palms of our citizens’ hands and in a way that is most convenient for them.”

While residents are still able to utilize traditional means of requesting service or reporting issues by dialing 3-1-1 or using the after-hours call-in number, officials are encouraging residents to take advantage of these new tools given the additional information they can provide to call-takers and responding inspectors or crews, such as images about the severity of the issue being reported or the precise location at which the issue has occurred.

“Our team at Information Services has been hard at work over the past several years to identify ways in which we can more easily connect citizens to government services, and engage residents in the daily operations of our City-Parish government in meaningful ways,” said Eric Romero, Interim Director of Information Services. “This Red Stick 311 initiative encompasses each of these goals and, through these new digital platforms and resources, provides citizens with yet another way to interact with government and request services in the way that is most convenient for them – from reporting a pothole and roadside drainage issues to requesting a signal study or traffic sign.”

As part of the launch of these new tools and platform, the City-Parish has also developed a dynamic citizen self-help knowledge base, easily accessible from the Red Stick 311 homepage at This resource provides users with a wealth of anytime information and resources associated with common requests for service, with references to ordinances that govern how and to what extent issues or complaints are managed – ranging from how swimming pools are required to be maintained to identifying the process a citizen must go through in order to get a road striped or re-striped.

The knowledge base ties into the web version of the Red Stick 311 platform, whereby citizens requesting service or reporting issues are automatically provided with knowledge base articles that may help resolve their need prior to logging an official service request. It will continue to be updated over time, with more content added on a regular basis focused on ensuring citizens have easy access to common information needs or resources that impact their daily lives.

Red Stick 311 is currently live and is available both online and in the App Store and Google Play Store as a free download. For more information, please visit

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More information can be found on our website.
