Office of the Mayor-President

For release: IMMEDIATELY

Release Date: 05/23/2016

DHDS volunteers prepare 1,458 tax returns through VITA tax prep program this year

DHDS volunteers prepare 1,458 tax returns through VITA tax prep program this year

Ten Division of Human Development and Services (DHDS) staff members prepared 1,458 tax returns by participating in the Volunteers in Tax Assistance (VITA) Free Income Tax preparation program this year. Seven additional staff from the Division assisted with the overall success of the program by serving as schedulers, greeters, and quality reviewers. Volunteers for the VITA Program received special training from the IRS and passed a special certification test dealing with tax issues.

The VITA program offers free tax preparation assistance to individuals who earn $54,000 or less during the tax year.

The City-Parish VITA Program was assisted through a $16,000 United Way grant, which also provided funding for the after-hours assistance provided by DHDS staff. As a result of the DHDS employees’ efforts, the IRS accepted and sent approximately $2.4-million in tax refunds to individuals served by the program, not including their state tax refunds.
