Zoning Categories

A1 Single Family Residential
The purpose of A1 is to permit low density residential development with a maximum density of 4.1 units per acre. Accessory uses normally compatible with surrounding low density residential development may be permitted.

A2 Single Family Residential
The purpose of A2 is to permit low density residential development with a maximum density of 5.8 units per acre. Accessory uses normally compatible with surrounding low density residential development may be permitted.

A2.1 Zero Lot Line Residential
The purpose of A2.1 is to permit only “zero lot line” single family dwellings at a density of 7.9 units per acre.

A2.5 Town House
The A2.5 Town House District permits the development of attached town homes compatible with the surrounding residential development. The maximum density is 11.5 units per acre. Churches, schools, public buildings, recreational facilities, and other accessory uses normally compatible with surrounding residential development may be permitted.

A2.6 Zero Lot Line Residential
The purpose of the A2.6 District is to allow only “zero lot line” single family dwellings at a maximum density of 11.5 units per acre.

A2.7 Single Family Residential
The purpose of A2.7 is to permit single family detached dwellings with a maximum density of 7.3 units per acre. Accessory uses normally compatible with surrounding low density residential development may be permitted.

A2.9 Two Family Residential
The purpose of the Two-Family Residential District is to provide for the location and grouping of low density two-family residences.

A3.1 Limited Residential
The purposes of A3.1 Districts are to permit multi family residential development and institutional uses of a residential character with a maximum density of eleven and five tenths (11.5) units per acre.

A3.2 Medium Density Multi-Family Residential
The purpose of A3.2 Districts are to permit multi family residential development and institutional uses of a residential character with a maximum density of seventeen and four tenths (17.4) units per acre.

A3.3 High Density Multi-Family Residential
The purpose of A3.3 Districts are to permit multi family residential development with a maximum density of twenty-nine (29) units per acre.

A4 General Residential
The purpose of A4 Districts are to permit compact multi family developments with a maximum density of forty-three and six tenths (43.6) units per acre. A4 Districts must be located within an urban setting and on four 4 lane major streets (Rezoning of properties to A4 will not be permitted after July 21, 1999).

A5 Hi-Rise Apartment
The purpose of A5 Districts are to permit high-density residential developments with a maximum density of eighty-seven and one tenth (87.1) units per acre. Such developments must be located within designated Regional Growth Centers.

B Off-Street Parking
The purpose of the B District is to permit off-street parking. Rezoning of properties to B will not be permitted after July 21, 1999.

B1 Transition
The purpose of B1 is to permit office uses on parcels that are located between commercial and residential uses.

NO Neighborhood Office
The purpose of this district is to permit a limited range of office uses designed at a neighborhood scale in close proximity to residential areas to meet the needs of the residents of the surrounding area.

GOL General Office Low Rise
The purpose of this district is to permit a range of office uses, including employment and community service activities, of moderate intensity on sites that offer convenient access to the public from the parish road network. Some residential and/or commercial uses may be permitted, provided that at least 50 percent of the building area is utilized for office purposes.

GOH General Office High Rise
The purpose of this district is to permit large buildings with convenient access to the arterial road network of the parish that are primarily devoted to offices uses while permitting some residential and/or commercial uses provided that at least 50 percent of the building area is utilized for office purposes.

NC Neighborhood Commercial
The purpose of this district is to permit commercial activity, primarily retail shopping and personal services. Buildings are limited to two thousand five hundred (2,500) gross square feet of floor area per lot. All commercial activities must be contained within the building –– no outside work or storage areas permitted. Limit the number of gas pumps to two when provided as an accessory use in retail activity.

NC-AB Neighborhood Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (restaurant)
This district permits businesses involved in the serving of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, where alcohol sales are not the primary source of revenue. Buildings are limited to two thousand five hundred (2,500) gross square feet of floor area per lot.

C1 Light Commercial
The purpose of this district is to permit retail commercial uses serving the surrounding community. Rezoning of properties to C1 will not be permitted after July 21, 1999.

LC1 Light Commercial One
The purpose of this district is to permit a variety of commercial activities and multi family (medium density) residential uses that serve surrounding local areas. Buildings within this district are limited to fifteen thousand (15,000) gross square feet of floor area per lot and a height of four stories.

LC2 Light Commercial Two
The purpose of this district is to permit a variety of commercial activities and multi family (medium-high density) residential uses that serve surrounding local areas. Businesses within this district are limited to seventy-five thousand (75,000) gross square feet of floor area per lot and a height of four (4) stories.

LC3 Light Commercial Three
The purpose of this district is to permit a variety of commercial activities and multi family (medium-high density) residential uses that serve surrounding local areas. Businesses within this district are limited to one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) gross square feet of floor area per lot and a height of four (4) stories.

C-AB-1 Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (restaurant)
This district permits businesses involved in the serving of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises and whose primary purpose is to prepare meals for on premise consumption for the general public.

C2 Heavy Commercial
The purpose of this district is to permit retail commercial uses serving the surrounding region Rezoning of properties to C2 will not be permitted after July 21, 1999.

HC1 Heavy Commercial One
The purpose of this district is to permit a variety of commercial and service activities along with multiple family (high density) residential uses and include indoor firing ranges as a permitted use and firing range structures must be located a minimum of three hundred (300) feet from the property line of any residential use or any residential zoning district. Buildings within this district are limited to two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) gross square feet of floor area per lot. Buildings will be limited to six (6) stories in height except within regional growth centers.

HC2 Heavy Commercial Two
The purpose of this district is to permit a variety of commercial and service activities along with multiple family (high density) residential uses. Buildings will be limited to six (6) stories in height except within regional growth centers.

C-AB-2 Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (bar and lounge)
This district permits bars and lounges as well as businesses involved in the sale or serving of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises.

C5 Business
This district allows office and commercial uses within the Downtown Development District without setback and parking requirements. There may be any uses in the preceding sections including restaurants, which involve the sale or serving of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises.

CG Commercial Gaming, Legalized Gambling, and Games of Chance
Any uses listed in the preceding zoning districts, as well as businesses involving gaming or legalized gambling, as from time to time hereafter defined by the State Legislature and/or the Metropolitan Council. No activity shall be conducted on such premises as shall violate state statutes or local ordinances prohibiting illegal gambling. All other provisions the Unified Development Code concerning lot sizes, required yard spaces, and parking shall be as set forth in requirements for C2 zones. This zone shall not be required for charitable gaming establishments licensed and operating pursuant to Chapter 10 of Title 9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, or for establishments whose only activity related to gaming is the sale of Louisiana State Lottery tickets.

CW Commercial Warehousing
The purpose of this district is to permit businesses that are involved in the distribution and storage of goods. Storage areas are limited to one hundred thousand (100,000) gross square feet of area per lot. Commercial Warehousing districts must be located along four (4) lane major streets or within designated commercial/industrial subdivisions. No residential land uses are permitted in Commercial Warehousing districts. Assembly for the purpose of permissible uses in CW zoning districts means putting together pre-manufactured parts which:
A. shall be conducted entirely within constructed buildings;

B. does not use the open area around such buildings for storage of materials or manufactured products, or for any industrial purpose; and

C. is not noxious or offensive by reason of emission of smoke, dust, gas, fumes, odors, noise, or vibrations beyond the internal confines of the building.

Rezoning of properties to CW will not be permitted after December 11, 2001.

CW1 Commercial Warehousing One
The purpose of CW1 is to permit businesses that are involved in the distribution and storage of goods. Buildings are limited to a maximum of 50,000 gross square feet of area per lot.

CW2 Commercial Warehousing Two
The purpose of this district is to permit businesses that are involved in the distribution and storage of goods. Storage areas are limited to between fifty thousand and one (50,001) and one hundred thousand (100,000) gross square feet of area per lot. Commercial Warehousing districts must be located along four (4) lane major streets or within designated commercial/industrial subdivisions. No residential land uses are permitted in Commercial Warehousing districts. Assembly for the purpose of permissible uses in CW zoning districts means putting together pre-manufactured parts which:
A. shall be conducted entirely within constructed buildings;

B. does not use the open area around such buildings for storage of materials or manufactured products, or for any industrial purpose; and

C. is not noxious or offensive by reason of emission of smoke, dust, gas, fumes, odors, noise, or vibrations beyond the internal confines of the building.

CW3 Commercial Warehousing Three
The purpose CW3 is to permit businesses that are involved in the distribution and storage of goods. This district must be located along four lane streets (as shown on the Major Street Plan) or within designated commercial/industrial subdivisions.

M1 Light Industrial
The purpose of this district is to permit light manufacturing, fabricating, processing, and wholesale distribution activities located near or adjacent to major thoroughfares or railroads.

M2 Heavy Industrial
The purpose of this district is to permit industrial manufacturing, fabricating, processing and wholesale distribution located near or adjacent to major thoroughfares or railroads. No residential land uses are permitted in Industrial districts. All uses except residential, adult businesses, and commercial gaming are permitted, including indoor firing ranges.

R Rural
The purpose of the Rural district is to permit Agricultural and Low-Density Residential development. If an area is designated Agriculture/Rural on the Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan “Comprehensive Land Use Plan” and is zoned Rural, all lots in a development shall be a minimum of one acre. If the area is designated as any other use on the Future Land Use Map, the maximum density allowed shall be 7.3 units per acre until March 30, 2018, after which date the maximum density shall be 4.1 units per acre. In addition, churches, schools, public buildings, recreational facilities, and accessory uses normally compatible with surrounding low-density residential development may be permitted.

RE/A1 Residential Estate/Agriculture One
The purpose of RE/A1 is to permit low-density residential development, all lots in a development shall be a minimum of one (1) acre with a minimum of one hundred (100) feet of frontage on a public or private roadway.

RE/A3 Residential Estate/Agriculture Three
The purpose of RE/A3 is to permit low-density residential development, all lots in a development shall be a minimum of three (3) acres with a minimum of one hundred (100) feet of frontage on a public or private roadway.

GU Governmental Use
Governmental buildings and facilities including judicial offices and courts.
Civic Center Buildings and facilities including auditorium(s), coliseum(s), and exhibition and convention center(s).
Cultural buildings and facilities including museums, art centers, libraries, music centers, and similar cultural facilities and exhibition uses.
Multi-level parking facilities owned and operated by a public agency only to adequately accommodate the vehicle storage requirements expected to be generated by new development within the District.
Public open spaces including parks and recreation facilities and plazas.
Private and commercial uses as approved by the Planning Commission and Metropolitan Council.

X Adult Businesses
This district allows adult businesses that are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to ‘specified sexual activities’. This district may not be located within one thousand (1,000) feet of a. another adult business; b. any restaurant, bar or lounge, or package liquor stores; or c. a school, playground, church, or area zoned for residential purposes including rural zones.

Planned Unit Development (PUD)
A special zoning classification requiring a unitary development for property ten acres or more in size indicating the land uses, circulation, parking, setbacks, housing densities, building locations, land coverage, landscaping, relationships, streets, and architectural treatments.

Small Planned Unit Development (SPUD)
A special zoning classification requiring a unitary development for property two and one half to ten acres in size indicating the land uses, circulation, parking, setbacks, housing densities, building locations, land coverage, landscaping, relationships, streets, and architectural treatments.

Infill Small Planned Unit Development(ISPUD)
A special zoning classification requiring a unitary development for property no more than two and one half acres in size indicating the land uses, circulation, parking, setbacks, housing densities, building locations, land coverage, landscaping, relationships, streets, and architectural treatments.

Traditional Neighborhood Development(TND)
The purpose of a Traditional Neighborhood Development Zoning District is to encourage mixed-Use, compact Development and facilitate the efficient use of services while integrating uses within proximity to each other.

BDD Bluebonnet Design District
To provide guidelines for development activity in the Bluebonnet Design District as shown on the official zoning map. The purpose of this district is to strengthen the physical and economic character of the area by mitigating or avoiding functional and architectural incompatibility of buildings or services.

HDD Highland Design District
To provide requirements for development activity in the Highland Design District as shown on the official zoning map to strengthen the physical and economic character of the neighborhood by mitigating or avoiding functional and architectural incompatibility of buildings or services. Any property within this district may not be re-zoned to any classification other than HDD.

JDD Jefferson Highway Design District
The purpose of JDD is to provide requirements for development activity in the Jefferson Design Overlay District as shown on the official zoning map. This District is to strengthen the physical and economic character of the neighborhood by mitigating or avoiding functional and architectural incompatibility of buildings or uses. Rezoning of properties to JDD will not be permitted after August 15, 2018.

In order to carry out the provisions of the Unified Development Code, there are hereby created and established certain zones which include all of the land lying within the precision instrument approach zones, non precision instrument approach zones, transition zones, horizontal zone, and conical zone. Such areas and zones are shown on the Ryan Airport Zoning Map consisting of one sheet, prepared by the East Baton Rouge Parish Department of Public Works and dated July, 1974, a copy of which is on file and of record in the Office of the Parish Clerk.