Complete Streets Citizens Advisory Committee
Authorized by
Metro CouncilFunction
Effective June 12, 2024 (Ordinance 19243) Sec. 2.93. Complete Street Advisory Committee The City-Parish Complete Streets Advisory Committee shall have the following composition, powers, and duties: (a) The Complete Streets Advisory Committee shall consist of eighteen (18) voting members as follows: (1) The director of planning for the East Baton Rouge Parish Planning Commission or his or her designee; (2) One (1) member nominated by the Federation of Greater Baton Rouge Civic Associations; (3) One (1) member nominated by Bike BR or other bicycle safety and advocacy group; (4) One (1) member nominated by Baton Rouge Area Chamber; (5) One (1) member nominated by the Baton Rouge Chapter of the AARP; (6) One (1) member nominated by The Advocacy Center; (7) One (1) member nominated by the Center for Planning Excellence; (8) One (1) member nominated by the board of the Mayor's Healthy City Initiative; (9) One (1) member nominated by Louisiana State University; (10) One (1) member nominated by Southern University; (11) One (1) member nominated by the Downtown Development District; (12) One (1) member nominated by the Greater Baton Rouge Association of Realtors; (13) One (1) member nominated by the Baton Rouge Growth Coalition; (14) Two (2) members who are citizens of East Baton Rouge Parish who may be self-nominated; and (15) One (1) member appointed by the Mayor-President of East Baton Rouge Parish or his/her designee; (16) One (1) council member nominated by the Metropolitan Council; (17) One (1) member nominated by the North Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce; (18) The Executive Director for the Baton Rouge North Economic Development District or their designee. (b) Upon enactment of this Ordinance, the existing membership of the Complete Streets Advisory Committee established by Ordinance 15933 is empowered to continue and serve in said compacity until the conclusion of their term, provided they are willing and able to serve. (c) The voting members of the Complete Streets Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Metropolitan Council upon the recommendation of the nominating organization except for members who are appointed directly by the Mayor-President. (d) The terms of office of voting members shall be four (4) years. Vacancies caused by death, resignation, or otherwise shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointments were made. Members will continue to serve after the expiration of their term until replacements are made. (e) The voting members of the Complete Streets Advisory Committee shall serve without compensation.Reference
Ordinance 15933Term
4 YearsComment
Eric Dexter | 7/31/2025 |
Vance Baldwin | 7/31/2027 |
Rex Cabaniss | 12/31/2024 |
Laurence Lambert II | 8/1/2025 |
Candace Temple | 7/31/2023 |
Jeanne George | 7/31/2027 |
Dennis Mitchell | 7/31/2025 |
Stephen Kauffman | 7/31/2025 |
Peter Breaux, PhD. | 7/31/2025 |
Jessica Kemp | 8/13/2028 |
Mark Martin | 7/31/2025 |
RACHEL DIRESTO | 8/24/2025 |
Coleman Carolyn | 7/31/2023 |
Coleman Carolyn | 7/31/2023 |
Caila Miceli | 1/13/2026 |
Coleman Carolyn | 7/31/2023 |
Carolyn Coleman | 7/31/2027 |
Edward Lagucki | 7/31/2025 |
Whitney Hoffman Sayal | 7/31/2025 |
Oscar (Reed) Richard | 11/16/2027 |
Charles Daniel | 10/8/2028 |
Jake Polansky | 1/13/2026 |
April Hawthorne | 8/13/2028 |
Iboro Udoh | 8/13/2028 |